Rylock series, race 15, February 20, 2025

Interesting swim with a strong outgoing tide. It was plain sailing out to the dolphin, but swimmers had the concentrate on staying on target to hit the next two buoys before the slog north along Rocks Rd to the finish.

Terry Bone was a convincing winner over the 1200m course, but Ben Marshall had to work hard for second, holding off Finn Bryant by one second.

Mia Pugh made it nine wins from nine swims as she headed off Lilly Claridge, Nia Linyard and Christina Harris.

Phoebe Diamond, Billie Maskell and Ara Wyatt spread a blanket across the front of the short race, with Roger Matheson hanging on grinly just behind.

Here’s the results

Photos by Pete Marshall

Here’s the points

Story on Sportzhub