Akaroa 5k swim

A successful day for 19 Nelson swimmers in Akaroa with Raphael Marinzeck Borborema the first of the group to finish in the 5k, followed by our pin up girl Sophie Pahl, who took the gold medal in F12-14. The ageless Derek Eaton took gold in M80-84, while Stuart Hebberd and Peter Gibbs won silver and bronze in M70-74. Dave Loose …

Banana Boat Ocean Swims, Swim the Mount

One of the lowest turnouts from Nelson swimmers for a few seasons, with seven taking part in the Generation Homes Swim the Mount over 2.8km on Saturday Here’s a story Here’s the Nelson results A more local story: Swimmers face blue skies and rough seas By Peter Gibbs It wasn’t all plain sailing for seven Nelson swimmers who took on …